Be PACED Every Day

 No two days are ever the same, most of the time. There are days when merely showing up to work seems like that is all you can muster. Showing up and doing your best is what will ultimately set you apart and make you feel more productive in the long run. So, PACE yourself.

  1. Prioritize and Plan Your Day

Take time at the beginning and end of every day to look at what you have done and what you still need to do. Prioritizing and planning your workday (or the next one) will allow you to move seamlessly through your day without losing focus.

  1. Aspire to Stay Encouraged

Let’s say you have a special project to complete. Instead of working endlessly toward that big end goal, set mini-goals or milestones for yourself to achieve. If you can meet your mini milestones, it will be easier to stay encouraged and reach your end destination with a sense of accomplishment.

  1. Conquer Difficult Tasks First

That one task you are really dreading, like calling back an annoying salesman or debt collector—do it first. Get it off your list. The rest of the day will seem like a breeze, and you will not use other tasks as a way of procrastinating on doing what needs to be done. The advice I have relied on many times is this: It only takes 20 seconds of insane courage. So, take the deep breath, do the dirty deeds first and get on with your amazing day. I will bet you that it won’t be as bad as you anticipated. Just do it.

  1. Everyone has limitations. Even you.

Your limitations exist. Everyone has limitations; it’s just that some of us are too stubborn to admit it. Be aware of them and admit them to yourself. You may need to tell the world to step back. Being aware of things that are overwhelming to you will make asking for help easier.

  1. Do Not Stress

The first four steps in my list can be pretty daunting. The first three may require that you restructure your day entirely. Number three might give you heart palpations, and number four, who wants to admit to their own shortcomings? Do not let these stress you out. Instead, slowly work to implement the easiest of the suggestions (whichever that may be for you), and just keep going. Think of the benefits waiting for you at the end of your day.

Why You Need Mentors in Life

Have you considered engaging with a mentor to help you achieve your goals and aspirations? You could struggle through the processes and learn by making mistakes, but what if you had someone to help guide you through to success?

A mentor is someone who currently is where you want to be. The relationship you have with a mentor can be an official one or it can be informal such as following in the footsteps or imitating someone you admire. A mentor would have the experience to help guide you for they have gone through their own growing pains towards success. They will know what it takes to navigate the uncertainties ahead.

More importantly, mentors can give you much-needed feedback on improvements or tweaks you can make to enhance your chances of success. This kind of advice is invaluable. You want a mentor who will shoot straight with you but you need to give them full permission to be completely honest with you. And, in return, you need to be forthright with them as well.

The mentors you choose need to have the experience or skills you aspire to learn. Be sure to ask questions about what they expect from you and ask what you can expect from them. This understanding is important. If someone you are considering entering into a mentoring relationship takes issue with you asking these questions, run! This could be a red flag that they are not right for you. It can also be more difficult to sever the relationship once it has begun. Don’t waste your time when your intuition tells you something isn’t right. Intuition never lies.

Should you pay for mentors? It depends. It depends on what you hope to achieve and what you currently have available at your disposal. If there is someone who can act in a mentor capacity and they are willing to do this at no charge then consider doing it. Perhaps you can trade services with them. On the other hand, paying for a mentor holds both you and them accountable. This is a crucial aspect of mentoring. Without it, you could be spinning your wheels and going nowhere fast. You do not want to waste valuable time. The entire reason to take on a mentor is to save time and fast-track to where you want to be.

Meditation takes time and practice to master. The main goal of meditation is usually to clear your mind and calm your surroundings. However, those who experience anxiety or depression usually find it difficult to clear their minds. Running thoughts interrupt their ability to meditate effectively. Using crystals in meditation practice helps to channel these thoughts into the crystal. By releasing your thoughts, this aids in clearing the mind. Crystals can be used by beginners and experienced meditators to hold the intention for their meditation.

Why Use Crystals in Meditation? 

Using a crystal in meditation acts as a visual aid to clear the mind or hold an intention for your meditation. If you consider how a stuffed animal helps a child feel comforted when upset, a crystal works in a similar way. When a person who experiences anxiety has running thoughts, it can be hard to keep the mind from focusing on these thoughts. By holding a crystal during meditation, they can channel their running thoughts into the crystal. The solid object of the crystal offers comfort and unique vibrational qualities to the meditator.

Crystals also act as intention holders. If, for instance, the focus for the meditation is to soften grief, setting the intention to release grief into the crystal helps to bring about this desired outcome. The crystal then acts as a witness to the meditation. This takes the responsibility off the individual to release grief by themselves. The comfort that comes from the crystal helps them release the grief more easily.

Which Crystals Aid in Meditation

  1. White Quartz

White quartz crystals hold a unique vibration from other crystals and are widely used in a variety of healing work. The clearer the crystal, the more it can help with a master healing vibration. White quartz crystals are often very pure in energy and can find energy blockages. By using them in meditation, you can find that channeling thoughts to them will also help in releasing these thoughts from your mind. Once you channel the negative or running thoughts from your mind, you think more clearly and are better able to clear your mind in meditation.

  1. Selenite

Selenite’s naturally calming vibration also helps in releasing negative and running thoughts from the mind. One thing that is different from selenite is that it carries a protective energy that keeps other people’s energy from affecting yours. Its energy can act as a barrier to keep other people’s energy out of your space. Most people who experience anxiety and depression find themselves thinking of the past or future events that involve other people. By using selenite, the crystal helps to release these thoughts to focus on the present.


  1. Blue Agate

Blue agate is a natural healing stone that helps to calm the mind and emotions. The stone’s pale blue color and smooth ripples in the appearance gives the impression of water, which is part of the reason why this stone is recommended for meditation. It is helpful during meditation to provide enough calmness to the individual to focus on clearing their thoughts. It can also provide a relaxing feeling. It is known to help relieve a person experiencing anxiety and depression temporarily for them to practice meditation.


  • I release negative thoughts to make space for stillness
  • I am comforted and protected while I meditate
  • As I hold this crystal, my mind releases negative and running thoughts
  • I channel stillness into my meditation
  • I channel my thoughts into my crystal and let go of thoughts that do not serve me well
  • I practice stillness in my meditation and hold the intention to let calming sensations enter

Earlier this year I released a book called The KiSS System: Stress-free Marketing Strategies to Boost Your Local Business on a Budget. I wrote this book based on my experiences with my business startups, and the mistakes I made while ‘trying’ to get loyal customers. 

This is an easy-to-follow handbook for any mom and pop shop or local business that wants to crack the secret of marketing your business without going insane to do so. This book is filled with stress-free and original methods to get the business in your front door—and keep them coming back. I used many of these tried and true techniques in my own businesses and they worked well for me. These strategies are straightforward, proven, powerful and profitable! 

The book includes worksheets at the end of each section to help you along. You will be amazed at how well it helps you to clarify your business and services as well as identify your perfect customer. No more harried, hope-like-hell-this-works, marketing madness for you!  

Order your copy today! 


I just discovered a tiny OOPS in my stash of the Postcards From Paradise activity book for adults on vacation. It’s correct if you purchase your copy from but if you don’t mind a missing clue in the crossword puzzle, then you can get a copy (while my supplies last) for FREE. Just pay $3.99 for shipping and handling and it’s yours!  I love this book. It’s filled with tropical coloring pages, puzzles and journal pages. Perfect for relaxing at the beach or your staycation at home.

How Many Postcards From Paradise Would You Like?


About a year ago, I announced a new project that was slated to begin in mid-2017. That time has come and the work on this book will begin shortly. This one is being written in cooperation with my husband, Brent, and it is titled The Infinity Vow.  

Many people are aware of the struggles that Brent and I have weathered over the years. Brent had two sons when we married in 1994, and I had two sons as well. Tragically, we were caught in the stunning and unbelievable traumas of losing all four of our sons over a period of almost ten years. All of their deaths were unexpected and unrelated. Life as we knew it, or planned it, was left unrecognizable.

As you can imagine, we have been asked similar questions over time: How did you do it? How did your marriage survive that?  We know that blame, shame, guilt, and grief can wreak havoc on a marriage, or any relationship for that matter. We also know that men and women grieve differently and our thought processes differ as well.

Are you, or someone you love, struggling in a relationship due to life’s adversities or profound loss? Life is confusing enough when one is exasperated and exhausted, so we will cut to the chase to share our insights in a candid and straightforward manner. This is why I am writing this book with the input of my wise husband—but we need your help.

The Infinity Vow is a ‘he says/she says’ guidebook of sorts. We will address a variety of issues and respond to questions from a man’s point of view and a woman’s point of view simultaneously.

Here is how you can help: We need your questions and comments. We need your stories and experiences if you feel guided to share. We need you to share this post with everyone you know and ask them to share it, too. We know there are couples out there in pain, fighting a silent battle, and in some cases, losing. No question is off limits if it is truly genuine.

It is from our heart to yours that we share our experience with the world. Though I had taken time away, I am once again making myself available to speak to groups, large or small, on a limited basis.

We look forward to hearing from you. Please share your questions, comments, and suggestions with us. We will create this book around YOU. Email me directly at

Wish us luck!

Brent and Connie Gorrell

There are times in life when we become conscious of special connections we have made on our journey and a bonding of divine human spirit takes place. These bonds are eternal—they transcend life and death. They are the very essence consisting of that which binds us eternally. These are the invisible threads that connect us through the portals of time and space and between dreams and wakefulness, for it is through great love that we are destined to meet and influence each others’ lives. Open this book to any page, at any time. You are sure to find a message waiting for you tucked safely inside its covers.

Order Your Books Today! Limited availability at this price.

In loving memory of author and beautiful soul Vicky Mitchell, for a limited time, you can purchase your copy of The Invisible Thread for only $8.99 (sells for $16.95 on Amazon). Purchase more than one and receive a discount–and pay for shipping for just one book! Read Vicky’s amazing chapter titled “My Cooking Crew in Heaven.”

As Vicky would say,Thank you, and keep it coming!

Victoria Mitchell ~ 1959—2017


We miss you dear one.


This offer is valid on this site only.

Great role models lead by example. They just do. When what they do is aligned with what they say, they become a person others want to follow and perhaps even emulate. When a person says one thing but does another, they disintegrate any trust that has been built. Don’t be fooled by wanna-be gurus masquerading as the ones with all the answers simply because they can talk a good game on the internet. How are their interpersonal relationships and interactions? Do they have the professional credentials to ‘coach’ you or preach to you what they think they know?

The world is waiting for YOU to step into your authentic path and become a beacon of light for others. Here’s the six-piece skinnied-down version to cut through the baloney and get you on your way:

  1. Take responsibility for your actions.  Shifting blame onto others costs precious credibility, keeps others on the defensive and ultimately sabotages any potential for real growth. Own your mistakes. Others will respect you for it.
  2. Be truthful.  The effects of dishonesty can be pervasive and will trickle down to affect relationships far and wide. The truth always has a way of coming to light, sooner or later, one way or another. You know what they say about Karma. I would avoid that.
  3. Be mature enough to have a tough conversation.  Show that you are willing and capable of having a conversation that may make you uncomfortable when it’s needed. You know—the face-to-face kind. Like a grown up. Don’t hide behind emails. Deal with conflict head on.
  4. Acknowledge disappointments.  Success is not final and failure is not fatal. An authentic role model accepts setbacks and makes it safe for others to do the same. The trick is not to give up on enthusiasm. Try again, perhaps fail again. Then try again. Show that you have the passion and commitment to a larger purpose in life.
  5. Co-create solutions.  It’s true—if you are not a part of the solution, you are part of the problem. A great role model listens intently and readily seeks solutions that are so creative that others crave to be a part of the action, too. Always shoot for fairness and respect for the highest good for all concerned. Empower those around you simply by being yourself and allowing them to do the same.
  6. Practice self-care.  Making time to care for yourself is not indulgent or selfish. It is life-preserving. A great role model knows they must shine the beacon for those that are following. Understand the lessons of perpetual sustenance, including your mind, body, spirit, and life success. Reach for the sky, even through adversity, with your dreams guiding you from above and your feet firmly planted on the ground.


I am pleased to announce that in collaboration with 32 astonishing women The Gift of Inspiration for Women has arrived!  It’s an inspirational collection of wisdom of the ages, from women all around the world, and from all walks of life and experience. There are more than words between these covers, and you will find this book to be your constant companion. Let its messages encourage you when you’re down. And inspire you when hope is bleak. Or simply to uplift you when you feel like sharing life’s wonders. Enjoy the poetry and the beautiful mandalas to color throughout its pages. There are loving messages waiting for you—we know you will find them!

I am releasing a limited number of signed copies of The Gift of Inspiration for Women available for a short time. 100% of my proceeds go directly to support the DreamSTRONG Foundation. We are launching a new program for women and girls, Dare to Dream 2017 and we need your help! 

How many would you like?

Click  to order your copies today! Order one for the regular price of $13.99 + S&H and get discounts to add another book or two to your order (with no additional shipping charges)! This is the perfect gift of inspiration and companionship for yourself and every woman in your life.

There are more than pages in this book. Between its covers you will find that little bit of feminine inspiration and encouragement to help you face any situation. There are coloring pages and other surprises, too! We can’t wait to share this jewel with our sisters. Thirty-three wise women from around the world wrote this book. In it, they share and bare their words of wisdom, encouragement, empowerment, and inspiration. Be sure to order your gift books today. Click below to purchase. Buy two or three and enjoy a discount with no added shipping charges!