How to Recognize & Become an Authentic Role Model

Great role models lead by example. They just do. When what they do is aligned with what they say, they become a person others want to follow and perhaps even emulate. When a person says one thing but does another, they disintegrate any trust that has been built. Don’t be fooled by wanna-be gurus masquerading as the ones with all the answers simply because they can talk a good game on the internet. How are their interpersonal relationships and interactions? Do they have the professional credentials to ‘coach’ you or preach to you what they think they know?

The world is waiting for YOU to step into your authentic path and become a beacon of light for others. Here’s the six-piece skinnied-down version to cut through the baloney and get you on your way:

  1. Take responsibility for your actions.  Shifting blame onto others costs precious credibility, keeps others on the defensive and ultimately sabotages any potential for real growth. Own your mistakes. Others will respect you for it.
  2. Be truthful.  The effects of dishonesty can be pervasive and will trickle down to affect relationships far and wide. The truth always has a way of coming to light, sooner or later, one way or another. You know what they say about Karma. I would avoid that.
  3. Be mature enough to have a tough conversation.  Show that you are willing and capable of having a conversation that may make you uncomfortable when it’s needed. You know—the face-to-face kind. Like a grown up. Don’t hide behind emails. Deal with conflict head on.
  4. Acknowledge disappointments.  Success is not final and failure is not fatal. An authentic role model accepts setbacks and makes it safe for others to do the same. The trick is not to give up on enthusiasm. Try again, perhaps fail again. Then try again. Show that you have the passion and commitment to a larger purpose in life.
  5. Co-create solutions.  It’s true—if you are not a part of the solution, you are part of the problem. A great role model listens intently and readily seeks solutions that are so creative that others crave to be a part of the action, too. Always shoot for fairness and respect for the highest good for all concerned. Empower those around you simply by being yourself and allowing them to do the same.
  6. Practice self-care.  Making time to care for yourself is not indulgent or selfish. It is life-preserving. A great role model knows they must shine the beacon for those that are following. Understand the lessons of perpetual sustenance, including your mind, body, spirit, and life success. Reach for the sky, even through adversity, with your dreams guiding you from above and your feet firmly planted on the ground.

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