The Infinity Vow

About a year ago, I announced a new project that was slated to begin in mid-2017. That time has come and the work on this book will begin shortly. This one is being written in cooperation with my husband, Brent, and it is titled The Infinity Vow.  

Many people are aware of the struggles that Brent and I have weathered over the years. Brent had two sons when we married in 1994, and I had two sons as well. Tragically, we were caught in the stunning and unbelievable traumas of losing all four of our sons over a period of almost ten years. All of their deaths were unexpected and unrelated. Life as we knew it, or planned it, was left unrecognizable.

As you can imagine, we have been asked similar questions over time: How did you do it? How did your marriage survive that?  We know that blame, shame, guilt, and grief can wreak havoc on a marriage, or any relationship for that matter. We also know that men and women grieve differently and our thought processes differ as well.

Are you, or someone you love, struggling in a relationship due to life’s adversities or profound loss? Life is confusing enough when one is exasperated and exhausted, so we will cut to the chase to share our insights in a candid and straightforward manner. This is why I am writing this book with the input of my wise husband—but we need your help.

The Infinity Vow is a ‘he says/she says’ guidebook of sorts. We will address a variety of issues and respond to questions from a man’s point of view and a woman’s point of view simultaneously.

Here is how you can help: We need your questions and comments. We need your stories and experiences if you feel guided to share. We need you to share this post with everyone you know and ask them to share it, too. We know there are couples out there in pain, fighting a silent battle, and in some cases, losing. No question is off limits if it is truly genuine.

It is from our heart to yours that we share our experience with the world. Though I had taken time away, I am once again making myself available to speak to groups, large or small, on a limited basis.

We look forward to hearing from you. Please share your questions, comments, and suggestions with us. We will create this book around YOU. Email me directly at

Wish us luck!

Brent and Connie Gorrell


  1. After a 17 year long relationship my now ex husband gave up. It’s been a little over a year and I struggle daily and don’t know if I’ll ever get over him. He seems to have now moved on with one of my thought to have been friends and we don’t talk much. He responds in meaness and blaming but I still feel like there’s something to fight for. If any ideas or suggestions I’d really appreciate it. I’m just not done fighting for our marriage or relationship

    1. Author

      Hi Billiejo,
      I so apologize for the late response. The website has been undergoing some maintenance and redesign and I missed your message. I am going to send you an email.

      I’m really sorry to hear of your struggle (I’ve been through similar circumstances in my life, too). I can feel how it has hurt you. Look for my email later today or tomorrow.
      Wishing You All My Best,

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