Surviving Ominous Change Without Clobbering Someone
Ominous change is lurking at our doorstep, and if you’re like many, you may be feeling like a bit-character in a bad movie, waiting for someone to jump up and yell, “Plot twist!” Whether you’re thrilled, terrified, or just plain confused, one thing’s for sure—what’s coming down the pike can bring out some strong emotions and anxiety.
Before you start making lists of people you’d like to slap into next week, (or at least flatten the tires thereof), let’s talk about a few ways to cope without resorting to full-on gladiator mode…yet. Maybe journal, or write a blog post—much like I just did. 😉
Here are some of my tips for survival:
- The internet isn’t always your friend. Sure, posting passive-aggressive memes can feel like a temporary release, but it’s not going to ease your frustration—and it’s not helping anyone else’s mental state, either. Don’t stoop to the lower level; trust your intuition. Adopt the MAGA acronym: Master Abundant Grace Again. Things will turn around. They always do.
- If you’re into DIY, try channeling that anxious energy into something more creative. Light some scented candles to spark your creativity. You could sew a voodoo doll then buy pretty jewel-studded pins to poke into it; or maybe just grab the kids’ crayon box and draw a really angry stick figure, if you’re DIY challenged like me.
- Deep breaths are your friends. Inhale, exhale, repeat. Relax those tense shoulders. You’d be surprised how much a few moments of conscious calm can keep you from shouting, “I’ve had it. I’m moving to Mars! FAFO!”
- Lastly, remember that you cannot control others’ idiotic words and actions, but you can control how you respond to them. You don’t need to argue with every ridiculous thing they say. Become a Stepford Wife. Nod blindly. Smile. Grit your teeth. Repeat. You’re not agreeing, you’re just staying sane. The goal here is to maintain your dignity and avoid needing a shot of tequila after every conversation.
Use this new year as an opportunity to seek and surround yourself with like-minded people—those with humility, integrity and who uplift you. By doing so, you’ll create a personal environment of faith and positivity that will help you survive and thrive in the years to come.
Concentrate on what makes you happy today. Shine Your Light. The world sure needs it.
I know I do.
With Love,