Keeping Your Cool When Times Get Hot

Ah, the joys of modern life! With the upcoming election and democracy hanging in the balance, it’s easy to feel like a stressed-out squirrel trying to find a nut in a hurricane. But fear not! Here’s how to stay positive and engaged, even when it seems the world is going ape-shit bananas.


1. Laugh at the Absurdity—And There’s Plenty of It

When the news feels like a never-ending soap opera, sometimes the best response is to laugh rather than slap your forehead. Did a politician just say something that makes no sense? Oh, hell yeah. Giggle. Is there a new scandal every five minutes? Oh, hell yeah. Chuckle. Remember, laughter is the ultimate stress buster. Find a funny meme, watch a comedy special, or imagine a candidate in a ridiculous costume. That shouldn’t be too hard.  Trust me, it helps.


2. Get Crafty with Political Satire

Turn your stress into creativity! Write a ridiculous satirical piece, draw a cartoon, or compose a song about the current political climate. It will be a fun outlet, and you might even inspire others to laugh along with you. Plus, who doesn’t love a good political parody? Check out Randy Rainbow.


3. Turn Off the News

We all know the news can be a bit… intense. Give yourself permission to take a break. Watch a nature documentary, a cooking show, go for a quick walk, or anything that doesn’t involve talking heads and breaking news alerts. Your brain will thank you for the vacation.


4. Find Your Zen in Ridiculous Ways

Meditation and yoga are great, and I urge you to make that a part of your day, every day. But why not mix it up? Try “laughter yoga” where you force yourself to laugh until it becomes real. Or take up “rage gardening”—it’s like regular gardening but with more aggressive digging and less weeding. Both are surprisingly therapeutic.


5. Engage in Productive Procrastination

Instead of doom-scrolling, find better ways to procrastinate. Organize your panty drawer by color or try to teach your cat to fetch. These activities are amusing and will keep your mind off the chaos for a while.


6. Throw a (Virtual) Debate Party

Gather your friends for a debate-watching party, complete with bingo cards and drinks. Every time a candidate says a chosen buzzword or dodges a question, mark your card or take a sip. It’s a fun way to stay engaged without getting too stressed. Just remember to keep it friendly— and don’t drink the kool-aid!


8. Practice Random Acts of Kindness

In stressful times, kindness goes a long way. Compliment a stranger or send a funny card to a friend. Small acts of kindness can brighten someone’s day—including yours. I once smiled at a lady in the grocery store. I don’t know why. She just looked so downtrodden. Later, she found me in the check-out lane and thanked me for that smile. You don’t know what others are struggling with and something as simple as a smile can add a lot of mileage to someone’s day.


9. Channel Your Inner Child

Remember when coloring outside the lines was the biggest scandal? Recapture that carefree feeling. Get an adult (or a child’s!) coloring book, play with clay, or build something with LEGO bricks. Letting your inner child out to play can be incredibly relaxing.


10. Dance Like Nobody’s Watching

When all else fails, put on your favorite music and dance around the house. Shake off the stress and really let loose. Who cares if your moves are more “awkward uncle at a wedding” than “Beyoncé on stage”? The important thing is that you’re moving and enjoying it.


While these times are undoubtedly stressful, a sense of humor and finding joy in the little things can make a difference in your world. By embracing laughter, creativity, and a bit of playful absurdity, you can stay positive and engaged without losing your sanity. Remember, these times may be a wild ride, but with a good laugh and a dance break, you can find your footing once again!

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