Ah, the joys of modern life! With the upcoming election and democracy hanging in the balance, it’s easy to feel like a stressed-out squirrel trying to find a nut in a hurricane. But fear not! Here’s how to stay positive and engaged, even when it seems the world is going ape-shit bananas.


1. Laugh at the Absurdity—And There’s Plenty of It

When the news feels like a never-ending soap opera, sometimes the best response is to laugh rather than slap your forehead. Did a politician just say something that makes no sense? Oh, hell yeah. Giggle. Is there a new scandal every five minutes? Oh, hell yeah. Chuckle. Remember, laughter is the ultimate stress buster. Find a funny meme, watch a comedy special, or imagine a candidate in a ridiculous costume. That shouldn’t be too hard.  Trust me, it helps.


2. Get Crafty with Political Satire

Turn your stress into creativity! Write a ridiculous satirical piece, draw a cartoon, or compose a song about the current political climate. It will be a fun outlet, and you might even inspire others to laugh along with you. Plus, who doesn’t love a good political parody? Check out Randy Rainbow.


3. Turn Off the News

We all know the news can be a bit… intense. Give yourself permission to take a break. Watch a nature documentary, a cooking show, go for a quick walk, or anything that doesn’t involve talking heads and breaking news alerts. Your brain will thank you for the vacation.


4. Find Your Zen in Ridiculous Ways

Meditation and yoga are great, and I urge you to make that a part of your day, every day. But why not mix it up? Try “laughter yoga” where you force yourself to laugh until it becomes real. Or take up “rage gardening”—it’s like regular gardening but with more aggressive digging and less weeding. Both are surprisingly therapeutic.


5. Engage in Productive Procrastination

Instead of doom-scrolling, find better ways to procrastinate. Organize your panty drawer by color or try to teach your cat to fetch. These activities are amusing and will keep your mind off the chaos for a while.


6. Throw a (Virtual) Debate Party

Gather your friends for a debate-watching party, complete with bingo cards and drinks. Every time a candidate says a chosen buzzword or dodges a question, mark your card or take a sip. It’s a fun way to stay engaged without getting too stressed. Just remember to keep it friendly— and don’t drink the kool-aid!


8. Practice Random Acts of Kindness

In stressful times, kindness goes a long way. Compliment a stranger or send a funny card to a friend. Small acts of kindness can brighten someone’s day—including yours. I once smiled at a lady in the grocery store. I don’t know why. She just looked so downtrodden. Later, she found me in the check-out lane and thanked me for that smile. You don’t know what others are struggling with and something as simple as a smile can add a lot of mileage to someone’s day.


9. Channel Your Inner Child

Remember when coloring outside the lines was the biggest scandal? Recapture that carefree feeling. Get an adult (or a child’s!) coloring book, play with clay, or build something with LEGO bricks. Letting your inner child out to play can be incredibly relaxing.


10. Dance Like Nobody’s Watching

When all else fails, put on your favorite music and dance around the house. Shake off the stress and really let loose. Who cares if your moves are more “awkward uncle at a wedding” than “Beyoncé on stage”? The important thing is that you’re moving and enjoying it.


While these times are undoubtedly stressful, a sense of humor and finding joy in the little things can make a difference in your world. By embracing laughter, creativity, and a bit of playful absurdity, you can stay positive and engaged without losing your sanity. Remember, these times may be a wild ride, but with a good laugh and a dance break, you can find your footing once again!

Hi there, my lovely souls!

It’s been a while. I’m still alive and kicking. Just busying myself working on new designs and ventures. I thought it was about time to connect—or reconnect.

Are you ready to embark on a whimsical journey into the mystical world of spirituality? Grab your crystal balls (or maybe just a cup of tea) and let’s talk. As the Founder of the DreamSTRONG Foundation™ and the creator of Hocus Pocus Press & Designs, you know I’m all about thinking outside the box when it comes to connecting with our inner spirits. So, let’s get started on a magical adventure!

  1. Embrace Your Inner Witch (With or Without the Broomstick)

Ladies, it’s time to tap into your inner enchantress! No need for pointy hats or flying broomsticks (unless that’s your thing). Begin with simple rituals, like lighting a candle or taking deep breaths. These simple acts can help you tune in to your spiritual side and create a serene atmosphere for self-discovery.


  1. Get Your Woo-Woo On

Let’s be real; the world of metaphysics can get a little woo-woo. But honestly—who doesn’t love a little magic in their life? Be open to getting to know more about crystals, oracle cards, and astrology. Those who know me know my saying: Having too many crystals? Yeah, right. There’s no such thing! I love how they embrace and dance with the reflected light gleaming in every spectral color of the rainbow. They just make me feel good.

Start by choosing a crystal that resonates with you, for whatever reason, maybe it’s as simple as its color or shape. Learn about its properties. They are all unique and have vibrational frequencies all their own. My favorite is clear quartz. You’ve heard of quartz watches, right?

Pull a card from a prayer deck or animal, nature, or devotional deck that you love. Ask a question and see what your daily guidance shows. Explore your astrological birth chart to uncover hidden truths about yourself. It’s like a cosmic treasure hunt!

  1. Nature Nurtures the Soul

Always remember, you’re a child of Mother Earth, and she’s got some serious wisdom to share with you. Privately. Spend time in nature, whether it’s a stroll through the park, a hike in the woods, or simply sitting in your backyard. Feel the grounding energy of the Earth beneath you and let the beauty of the natural world inspire and rejuvenate your spirit. Bonus points if you add meditation, especially outdoors.

  1. Laughter Nourishes the Soul

Don’t forget to infuse humor into your spiritual journey. Life can get pretty heavy, especially these days, so find ways to lighten the mood. Watch a funny movie, share a laugh with friends, or simply embrace the silly side of life. Laughter can be incredibly healing and connect you to the joyous, carefree spirit within.

  1. Share Your Adventures

Finally, I ask you to be open to sharing your experiences and discoveries with others. Even me! Whether it’s through writing or creating designs that inspire, you have a unique gift for touching hearts and souls. By sharing your journey, you can help other women connect with their own spirits, creating a ripple effect of positive energy and empowerment.

So, there you have it, my mystical friends. Embrace your inner witch, dive into the woo-woo, commune with nature, laugh a little (or a lot), and share your spiritual adventures. Together, we can create a world where women feel more connected to their spirits and radiate their beautiful, authentic selves. Remember, no one else can be you. That job is taken, so do it authentically!

Cheers to a magical journey of self-discovery and empowerment! 🌟✨🔮


Finding inspiration can be a very personal and individual process, as what inspires one person may not necessarily inspire another. However, here are some general tips that may help you find your own special kind of inspiration:

  1. Engage in activities that you enjoy: Whether it’s reading, listening to music, watching movies, or spending time in nature, doing things that you enjoy can help you feel more relaxed and open to new ideas.
  2. Try something new: Sometimes trying something new can help you find inspiration. Whether it’s a new hobby or a new experience, stepping outside of your comfort zone can help you see things in a different way.
  3. Keep a journal: Writing down your thoughts and ideas can help you clarify your thinking and spark new ideas.
  4. Surround yourself with inspiring people: Spending time with people who inspire you can help you feel more motivated and energized.
  5. Take a break: Sometimes taking a break from your usual routine can help you feel more inspired. Whether it’s taking a vacation or simply taking a day off, giving yourself some time to relax and recharge can help you come back to your work with renewed energy and focus.

Remember that inspiration can come from anywhere, and it’s important to keep an open mind and be receptive to new ideas and experiences.

You never know what surprises lie in wait for you—just around the corner—if you just look.

Many Blessings,


We live in a super busy world that has us plugged in 24/7. Sometimes we don’t think we have time for a cup of coffee, let alone reflection.

The Importance of Reflection and Gratitude

  • An uneventful or even a disastrous day is oftentimes filled with valued gifts when we take a moment to reflect upon them
  • Gratitude is one of the most important components for attracting prosperity and abundance

Benefits of Reflection

  • Stronger Emotional Intelligence
  • Stronger Integrity and Leadership
  • Stronger Self-Confidence
  • Personal Growth
  • Stress Relief
  • Success Evaluation
  • Goal Setting
  • Increase in Happiness


Tips on Reflection

  • Try a daily journaling practice
  • If that is too much, try starting a “one-line-a-day” journal
  • Choose a time and place to practice self-reflection
  • Go public with some of your ah-ha moments by using social media


Benefits of Gratitude

  • Recent research shows that people who frequently feel grateful experience:
    • increased energy
    • more optimism
    • increased social connections
    • more happiness in life
  • Grateful people are less likely to be:
    • anxious
    • depressed
    • self-absorbed
    • greedy
    • suffering from substance abuse
    • struggling economically
    • having sleep issues
    • be sedentary

Tips for Remaining Grateful

  • Start regularly practicing gratitude—become mindfully aware
  • Keep it personal
  • Think of something new every day
  • Stay focused on everything that you do have going for you
  • Spread gratitude often
  • Share your gratitude aloud!
  • Turn your failure into positives
  • Get outside more often
  • Use your “wasted” time in a worthy way

There are many ways to add the practice of gratitude into your day so that you stay focused on appreciating the amazing things you have in your life. Here are a few simple ways to add more feelings of gratitude to your life, starting now.
    • Compliment a stranger—how many times have you admired someone’s haircut or blouse, but not complimented them on it? Start today!
    • Let someone ahead of you in line—remember how it feels when you have one item, and all the people in front of you have a shopping cart full? Guess what? Everyone feels that way. The next time you get the opportunity, let that person go in front of you.
    • Avoid negative media—it’s tough to stay focused on all the surrounding goodness when you allow
    • all the negative news in the world to play in front of you every day. Find positive TV, movies, and other media to watch instead of Fox “News.”
    • Cherish your friends—when was the last time you told your BFF how much you appreciate them being in your life? Not because of anything they’ve done, but just for loving and supporting you throughout your life’s journey.
    • Listen deeply—so often, when we listen to someone speak, we are planning what we will say next. Notice how often you do that and practice listening intently to the person, even if they are telling you about something that doesn’t interest you.
    • Go outside and relish—most of us don’t get out into nature as much as we should. And that’s a sham
      e because we miss so many wonders! Go outside more. Watch a hummingbird at your feeder. Enjoy the beauty of the natural world.

Practice not complaining—when you notice how often you complain, you’ll be amazed! One day a week, practice not complaining and reframe everything to put a positive and grateful spin on it. And mean it!

Your Brand of Creativity for Self Care.

—And a GIFT for You!

Not all self care activities involve going for a long walk or meditating. There are other creative activities that channel your inner artist or writer and still provide excellent self care benefits. Here are some creative and artistic activities to help you practice your own brand of self-care—your own world of creativity!

Get a Coloring Book

Adult coloring books are a popular method of taking time for yourself. There are many genres of coloring books depending on your interests. You can choose gardens and flowers, animals, sea life, or even coloring books with curse words to add some naughty spark to your day. This allows you to be creative and de-stress by simply coloring and not worrying about anything else. If you are a tropical girl at heart (as am I!) check out the coloring book I created called Postcards From Paradise. I personally don’t care for all the squiggles and blinding patterns in some coloring books. They make me dizzy. So, I created a more adult version with tropical scenes along with information on how your body’s chakras connect to color and how to use them in your coloring book. Heck, how to use color in your life in general!

Try Drawing or Painting

Practicing self-care has no hard or fast rules. It is simply what you make it. Do the activities that make you feel good and can distract you from daily stressors. Take the time to focus on yourself and your own wellbeing. As they say, you can’t pour from an empty cup. You have more, much more, to offer the world than just working, cleaning, or taking care of the family’s needs. Enjoy some hobbies and activities you truly enjoy just for yourself. Grab a sketchbook and some art tools to draw, sketch, or paint as you wish.

Learn a New Craft

What better way to express your creative side than to learn something brand new? This is the perfect opportunity to try a new craft or form of art. It could be something as simple as researching a topic that helps you spiritually. You don’t have to be naturally artistic to be creative and enjoy any type of creative activity. Performing the activity isn’t the only way of taking better care of yourself, but also in learning how to do it. Think of some hobbies that have always piqued your interest, like oil painting, making jewelry or metal stamping, or give sewing or knitting a try.


Not all forms of creativity have to do with arts and crafts. You can also start writing or journaling. This could be very therapeutic for you. This can be anything from writing in a quick and easy bullet journal or creating short stories. If you are a serious writer, give us your novel! One good practice to start writing is to set a timer for 8-10 minutes, then just start writing whatever comes to mind. Continue writing without taking a break until the timer goes off.

We all know that these are times of unprecedented change, in every country on our dear Mother Earth. There has been so much upheaval for these past few years. I have heard it almost daily, from one source or another : “I don’t know how to cope with this level of CHANGE in my life.” If this is you, please consider a journal I wrote called, Coping With Change: Your Guided Exploration Manual In Times Of Unprecedented Change. This is a guided workbook that I call a personal planner, a little bit of wisdom, and a daily journal.


My Gift To You:

If you purchase any of my books, please go to the Contact Me page and enter your order number and which book you purchased. I will email you a free gift of your choosing. I have a multitude of printable planners, worksheets, journals, and so much more. ♥

I’m excited to announce the arrival of something I have worked long and hard to achieve. It comes from my heart to yours—an inspirational clothing and apparel line that I call COCO Boutiq by Connie Gorrell. CoCo is a nickname given to me years ago and it has taken flight!

COCO Boutiq™: The Authentic Choice in Inspirational Apparel!

Living authentically means being true to who you are and who you aspire to become. It is the ability to release patterns, people, behaviors, and beliefs that no longer serve you. It is the work of letting it go without hesitation or apology to anyone—not even to yourself. Being true to you creates beautiful meaning and purpose in your life, and I want to be there to share that beauty with you!

COCO Boutiq™ Lifestyle Brand is dedicated to your personal journey and providing dreamy comfort along the way. This inspiration wear is as unique as it is beautiful. We use only the softest and most breathable cotton fabrics and blends to ensure your total comfort.

Every time you place an order from COCO Boutiq, a donation is made to the DreamSTRONG Foundation to help offset educational expenses for those in need.

And—there’s something else….

What’s the secret? Look for an affirmation on your garment that is intended for your eyes only. It is hidden somewhere along an inner seamline and only the wearer knows the beautiful message it reveals. Just look for the COCO Logo!

Hey, you! Yes…you.

Don’t you think it’s time you paid more attention to yourself and practice better self-care? Start with your morning routine. Hopping out of bed, grabbing breakfast, and running out the door can leave you stressed before you even begin your day. A better option is to start with a morning that you take the time to create—just for you!

Read a few pages in a book or magazine.

If you start your day just a little earlier, it gives you the chance to catch up on reading. Find a book that is inspirational and helps motivate you for the day or flip through a magazine or catalog so you can declutter the mountain of reading material that has gathered on your end table. Read just a few pages or a whole chapter, depending on how much time you allow. Take advantage of quiet moments and become absorbed in your favorite book.

Enjoy quiet time with a cup of coffee or tea.

Whether you drink coffee or tea in the morning, you can make this part of your self-care ritual. Try to have your first cup of beverage in the morning all alone and in silence. You can read a paper, write in your journal, or sit on your patio and listen to the birds chirping as the sun comes up. This is another great reason to wake up a little earlier than everyone else in your household. You will be amazed b how much better you feel with the gift of just a few minutes to yourself.

Unplug all your devices.

When you are trying to start a new morning routine for self-care purposes, unplug all devi

ces or just don’t turn them on yet. Don’t waste your precious minutes to yourself by using your cell phone or checking email. Checking social media can also be more stressful. Remove electronics during your self-care time in the morning and do not turn them on until you absolutely need them.

Practice Meditation

The morning is also the ideal time to meditate and repeat loving mantras to yourself. Mantras are sayings or a collection of words that help to center your focus and make it easier to meditate. You can also try breathing exercises or reciting positive affirmations. You can take a walking meditation as well and enjoy the morning’s quiet.

Wishing you a most peaceful day!

Simply Amazing

A Chinese proverb reads, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”  I love that wisdom of life’s journey and we can all agree on its truth.  But what happens when your personal roadmap becomes tattered and worn through the years?  What if that same single step launches you a thousand miles away and into uncharted lands?

In life, many of us have traveled into dark and frightening places rendering us uncertain of what our next step should be.

My personal life’s journey became unrecognizable between 1999 and 2008 during which time all four of our sons died.  My two sons, and my husband’s two sons, were all in their twenties.  Their deaths were unexpected and completely unrelated in circumstance.  Shocked and stunned we managed to stumble onward‒reeling a thousand miles away from civilization and not knowing what it would take to make the journey home.  We wondered if we would even recognize it when‒or if‒we ever arrived there.

At every pivotal point in life we are forced into choices, whether we choose to acknowledge them as such‒or not. 

Not to make a choice is, in fact, making a choice.  At that juncture on my own journey, I knew clearly and undeniably what I needed to do: Simplify…as though my life depended upon it—and trust me, it did.

Simplicity.  Sounds simple, right?

I liken it to going from 60mph to zero‒in reverse!  Where do we channel the chaos and complications?  How do we deal with daily distractions and the psychological aftermath of burying four young men?

What I learned on this journey, as I teach to this day, is the importance of recognizing and acknowledging the amazing resilience of our sacred self.  Heaven only knows what I might have done had I been gifted with any form of ‘intuitive vision’ or if I had been forewarned about the coming rapid-fire tragedies.

In a state of ‘humanness’ it’s the anticipation that can harm us.  I may have surrendered to the circumstances had I known beforehand‒but who would that have honored?  No one‒and certainly not our children. Instead, I was bestowed with the gift of just enough amazing simplicity to carry me onward to face the rising sun of a brand new day.

Take a peek through your life’s journey.

Envision times when you were simply amazing‒times when you stood your ground, though you didn’t think you could. Or when you fought for something you believed in, when others thought you shouldn’t.  Maybe a time when you simply smiled at a stranger because something told you they needed one.

Seek yourself in the Sacred and know that by nature‒and by God‒you are simply amazing!

Be PACED Every Day

 No two days are ever the same, most of the time. There are days when merely showing up to work seems like that is all you can muster. Showing up and doing your best is what will ultimately set you apart and make you feel more productive in the long run. So, PACE yourself.

  1. Prioritize and Plan Your Day

Take time at the beginning and end of every day to look at what you have done and what you still need to do. Prioritizing and planning your workday (or the next one) will allow you to move seamlessly through your day without losing focus.

  1. Aspire to Stay Encouraged

Let’s say you have a special project to complete. Instead of working endlessly toward that big end goal, set mini-goals or milestones for yourself to achieve. If you can meet your mini milestones, it will be easier to stay encouraged and reach your end destination with a sense of accomplishment.

  1. Conquer Difficult Tasks First

That one task you are really dreading, like calling back an annoying salesman or debt collector—do it first. Get it off your list. The rest of the day will seem like a breeze, and you will not use other tasks as a way of procrastinating on doing what needs to be done. The advice I have relied on many times is this: It only takes 20 seconds of insane courage. So, take the deep breath, do the dirty deeds first and get on with your amazing day. I will bet you that it won’t be as bad as you anticipated. Just do it.

  1. Everyone has limitations. Even you.

Your limitations exist. Everyone has limitations; it’s just that some of us are too stubborn to admit it. Be aware of them and admit them to yourself. You may need to tell the world to step back. Being aware of things that are overwhelming to you will make asking for help easier.

  1. Do Not Stress

The first four steps in my list can be pretty daunting. The first three may require that you restructure your day entirely. Number three might give you heart palpations, and number four, who wants to admit to their own shortcomings? Do not let these stress you out. Instead, slowly work to implement the easiest of the suggestions (whichever that may be for you), and just keep going. Think of the benefits waiting for you at the end of your day.

Why You Need Mentors in Life

Have you considered engaging with a mentor to help you achieve your goals and aspirations? You could struggle through the processes and learn by making mistakes, but what if you had someone to help guide you through to success?

A mentor is someone who currently is where you want to be. The relationship you have with a mentor can be an official one or it can be informal such as following in the footsteps or imitating someone you admire. A mentor would have the experience to help guide you for they have gone through their own growing pains towards success. They will know what it takes to navigate the uncertainties ahead.

More importantly, mentors can give you much-needed feedback on improvements or tweaks you can make to enhance your chances of success. This kind of advice is invaluable. You want a mentor who will shoot straight with you but you need to give them full permission to be completely honest with you. And, in return, you need to be forthright with them as well.

The mentors you choose need to have the experience or skills you aspire to learn. Be sure to ask questions about what they expect from you and ask what you can expect from them. This understanding is important. If someone you are considering entering into a mentoring relationship takes issue with you asking these questions, run! This could be a red flag that they are not right for you. It can also be more difficult to sever the relationship once it has begun. Don’t waste your time when your intuition tells you something isn’t right. Intuition never lies.

Should you pay for mentors? It depends. It depends on what you hope to achieve and what you currently have available at your disposal. If there is someone who can act in a mentor capacity and they are willing to do this at no charge then consider doing it. Perhaps you can trade services with them. On the other hand, paying for a mentor holds both you and them accountable. This is a crucial aspect of mentoring. Without it, you could be spinning your wheels and going nowhere fast. You do not want to waste valuable time. The entire reason to take on a mentor is to save time and fast-track to where you want to be.